fly tying
2015 Presque Isle Sportsman’s Show
March 21, 2015 kvctu Education, Membership
A quick look at what’s happening at the Presque Isle Sportsman’s Show. Proof that even a princess in a tiara can tie.
Maine Sportsman’s Show Augusta – 2013
March 31, 2013 kvctu Education
Every year volunteers from our chapter travel to Augusta and take up residence in the Lincoln Room. It’s not because their spouses threw them out it’s because they want to pass on their own interest and passion for the outdoors to a new generation of outdoor buffs. To this end they take a spot at the […]
01/09/2013 – Togus – Tying
March 23, 2013 kvctu Veterans
On January 9th some our members traveled to Togus for a bit of fly tying. Everyone had a good time and plans were made for the summer. Here are a couple of photos. (Dec. 2016 update – still meeting weekly and will through 2017)